Keys sectors

Each year 115000 tourists visit New Caledonia, and the numbers keep rising. In addition, in 2019, 343000 cruise ship passengers stopped in New Caledonia, Thus, the territory is, after Marseille, France’s second biggest cruise ship port. Accommodation and tourism infrastructures are of high quality, as are the services offered

The Blue economy
New Caledonia can rely on a large maritime zone as well as on an exceptional biodiversity and geodiversity, which are well-preserved. The territory seeks to develop new sustainable industries which are well-suited to South Pacific Island Countries and Territories, through research, innovation and ambition.

The Green Economy
Blessed with considerable natural assets, New Caledonia is developing more and more renewable energies as they accounted for 13.5 % of the overall electricity production in 2018 (compared to 18.1 % in France) Moreover, in 2019, there were 324 companies working in eco-activities in New Caledonia. They generated 3500 jobs and accounted for 3.1 % of the territory’s companies, which makes New Caledonia, The second biggest green economy in the French Overseas Territories and Departments behind the Reunion Island.

The sector can rely on one of the most important component of New Caledonia’s capital: land. New Caledonia is the third biggest island in the insular Pacific and houses tens of thousands of hectares of exploitable land, only 13% of which are used. Moreover, the island benefits from excellent health security which, coupled with a varied climate makes it ideal for the production of fruit and vegetables as well as for cattle breeding.